Irregular Body Temperature Regulation

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One common symptom reported by people living with CFS is irregular body temperature regulation, often leading to sensations of feeling hot or cold without an apparent reason.

The Connection

This irregular body temperature regulation is largely linked to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis dysfunction often observed in people with CFS. The HPA axis is a set of interactions among the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the adrenal glands – it performs a crucial role in regulating the body’s temperature and energy levels. When this is disrupted, as is often the case in CFS, it can result in abnormal body temperature regulation.

Temperature Sensitivity

People with CFS may also experience an increased sensitivity to temperature changes. They can feel too hot or too cold when the environmental temperature changes even slightly. This enhanced sensitivity can make it challenging to comfortably engage in activities in different environments without constant adjustments to clothing or room temperature.

Common Manifestations

In CFS patients, irregular body temperature regulation can manifest in various ways such as excess sweating, feelings of feverishness without fever, cold hands, and cold feet. Episodes of these symptoms may last from a few hours to a few days, and they may come and go irregularly, making it harder for patients to predict and manage.

Impact on Daily Life

Irregular body temperature regulation in CFS can significantly impact patients’ daily life, limiting their participation in daily activities. It might also disturb their sleep patterns, triggering insomnia or other sleep disorders, further exacerbating the fatigue and other symptoms associated with CFS.