Joint Pain

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CFS, ME, Adrenal fatigue, or Burnout symptoms often include a range of neurological, immunological, and endocrine symptoms. One of the common symptoms includes joint pain.

What is Joint Pain?

Joint pain, also known as arthralgia, refers to discomfort, aches, and soreness in any of the body’s joints. The pain is often a result of an illness or injury. In the context of CFS, joint pain is not accompanied by visible swelling or redness.

Joint Pain in CFS

People with CFS often experience joint pain that’s usually described as a dull pain, a burning sensation, or a sharp stabbing pain. This pain is most commonly found in the knees, shoulders, elbows, hips, and fingers. In CFS, the joint pain is considered a ‘migratory’ pain, meaning it moves around to different joints.

Causes of Joint Pain in CFS

The exact cause of joint pain in CFS is not well understood. Some researchers suggest it could be due to inflammation in the joints. Others propose it may be due to the body’s immune response to a virus or bacteria, resulting in an overactive immune system that attacks the body’s own tissues, causing joint pain. It’s also possible that the pain is a result of disturbed pain perception pathways in the brain.


There is no specific treatment for joint pain caused by CFS. Most treatments aim to manage symptoms. This can involve over-the-counter or prescription painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and regular, light exercise. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and graded exercise therapy (GET) have been shown to be beneficial in managing CFS symptoms.

Note: It is important to discuss symptoms and potential treatment options with a healthcare professional.

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